viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

The journalist!!

Hi everybody!! I’m Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos, and last week I was the journalist.
On Monday 21st, we started to choose the question for the game related to the Spanish educational system. The teacher gave to each group one of the eight topics to evaluate the question made by all groups, each group made three questions of every topic. The eight topics have been as follow:

1. Laws and Structure.
2. Management (person and groups of management and government).
3. School time and grouping.
4. General indications about teaching methods.
5. Assessment and certification.
6. Differences between public and private centers.
7. Financing issues.
8. Other structures and variations. 

Each group had to evaluate the questions and put to them a mark, we had to take into account various aspect as the spelling, the understanding of the question and the design. After this process we had to choose the best eight card of the topic. The topic that my group had to evaluate was “assessment and certification”.
Finally every group gave to Linda the card selected to the game.

On Friday 25th, this was the big day, we started to play. Linda projected onto board a game like “Oca game”, but instead of ocas, it has snakes that make our counter move back and stairs to move our counter forward.
For paying, everyone took it in turns to answer the questions that Linda was asking us. If you told the right answer you would roll two dice for advancing or moving back, if you didn’t know the answer you wouldn’t roll the dice.
Everyone was excited and interesting to win the game because there are two good prizes. The first group that reached the last square it would obtain a joker card that can be used to pass an exam questions, its value would be a nine and a half, and the second group that arrived at the end, they obtain another joker card with a value of an eight.
At the end of this class, the game didn’t have finished, the game only just begun. Therefore, the week after this we must continue playing.

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