martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

The analyst

Hello everybody! I am Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos and I was the analyst last week.
Last week, we didn’t make any task in group because we had theoretical class, but we organized the roles for this week and for the next week.

 What was the best moment of the week?

I think the best moment of the week was when we learnt what is media and how it can be integrating in the curriculum.

What was the worse?

The worse moment was when Linda said that we must do a task called “Pechakucha”. The activity is brilliant but the first impression made felt ourself nervous and overwhelmed.

What have you learnt?

We have learnt what is media, its characteristics, it facilitates the developing of learning. Before we learnt what is a curriculum and the three ways of understanding it and its elements: people and institutions, design and media- technologies. After that, the teacher explained each elements. On Friday, we finished the unit and the teacher explained us a new task for the next Friday.

What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

As a group we need to conserve the positive relationship between us, although  we  sometimes think  that we can’t do some task in the time established but we always work  harder and faster in the last days than the previous days and we finish the task well, this work makes us realize that we can work better and better if we want and that our group is a good one.

What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

From my point of view, we need to improve some things, on the one hand, we must organize better the time, because every member has to do things in the afternoon but we have to understand each other; on the other hand, we have to meet more often.

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

The Star

Hi! I am Ana González and I have been the star this week but my “role” will be represented next week with Irene (the star of next week). Our task consists on make a “Pechakucha” presentation about the topic “Experiencias matemáticas sin tiza”. On Friday I will publish another entry with my reflection about the final work. 

See you on Friday! :)

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

The journalist

Hello, my name is Pablo and I’m the journalist for this week. I’m going to explain what we have done this week in class. On monday class, we started a new unit which called media for teachin and curriculum implementation. Here we learnt things like communication and his enviroment and the variables that you can find like the culture and language. We haven’t got any practise to do for friday. On friday, we finished the unit and Linda explain us what to do for next practise class. After class we stay at the university for half an hour to organize our work and roles for the next week.

The Facilitator

Hello, my name is Marina Gómez, I'm the facilitator for this week.This week I can only organised the work on Friday because on Monday we didn´t have to do any work so we met last Friday after classes and we decided that for Monday we had to read the article that correspond to our topic and we must bring to class an abstract of this article, when we can find the main ideas and a reflexion about how we could do the powerpoint.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

The Star

First at all, I didn't feel that I could do these role, due to the language. I also felt really nervous and not confident enough beacuse I thought that I didn't be able to do that, but later, when I repeated the action sometimes I realized that if a want to be good at that , I can. To sum up, to be a star for me was a new experience, and I think I can improve myself little by little, so the expercience and the hard work will made me a good star.

Marina Gómez Robles


The best thing of this group was the star. He explained very well all the concepts and made his exposition interesting and interactive. The worse thing of this group was the poster. It was a bit messy and it did not express a concrete idea at the first sight.


The best thing of this group was the explanation but the star should do it a bit slowly because sometimes it was difficult to understand her. The worst thing of the group was the poster. It was so big and it includes a lot of large definitions.


The explanation of the star was good but sometimes she was wrong to indicate in the poster what she was saying. The poster was good too but there were a lot of arrows and apparently it seems a bit messy.


The best thing of this group was the star. She explained very well what TPACK is and she was so confident with her listeners. Maybe the worst thing was that the star should do the explanation more slowly and the poster a little more clear. 


We really liked this explanation; the star was very close and interactive. She knew what she was explaining. We understood she quite well. The worst we say that the poster was a little confusing at first glance we do not understand it, when the star  explained, it became most clear.


The best thing we saw was that the star knew very well explain their TPACK’s scheme, he knew the meaning of everything and he knew what he was talking about. On the other hand the worst we saw was the scheme, it was very small and everything was a bit crowded and confusing. Also the explanation was rapid.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

The Analyst

Hi! I am Ana González and I was the analyst last week. According to my charge, I had to examine these different questions as a reflection of the global group work.

a) What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of the activity was the realization of the poster because it was funny to cut the different pieces and to put them in the correct order. Furthermore, the previous reflection to the poster was also interesting.

b) What was the worse?

The worse part of the global work was the exposition. Maybe it did not live up and the star did not know very well what to say.

c)  What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?

The best moment of the week was the day that we had lunch at the university. We were chatting and discussing about the work during the meal, it was something like a business lunch. After that, we finally decided what to do with our work.

d) What was the worse?

The worse moment of the week was the first day. Linda suggested us to face a difficult challenge and we were a bit afraid. Furthermore, on Monday’s class only Irene, Isa and I were present so, we were a bit “lost”. 

e) What have you learnt?

We have learnt what TPACK is and its different components. We have learnt the relationship between the components too. In addition, we have learnt the different types of cognitive schemes and how to transform theoretical information into a graphic diagram. 

f) What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

I think we should conserve the dialogue between the different components of the group.

g)  What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

From my point of view, we (as a group) have to improve a lot of things. On the one hand, everybody has to assist to all classes and have to be interested in explanations, the tasks… On the other hand, all members of the group should work at the same level because this week some people have work very hard and others have not done their work as hard as they can do it. 

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

The Facilitator

Hello, my name is Irene and I was the facilitator of my group last week.
On Monday, firstly we shared out the roles and I am going to present them:

Ana González is the analyst
Isabel Abril is the journalist
Marina Gómez is the star
Pablo Jaquero is the tracker
Irene Gea is the facilitator

As my group boss, I organized the activity and the group work. Now at the end of the week I am not very happy with the result of the work. Not everybody has worked the same. As an example of this, our group star's performance did not have a high quality. I think she should have prepared it more.
Finally, I hope our next work result will improve considerably.

Irene Gea González

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

The Journalist

Hello! I'm Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos and I have been the journalist this week.

13rd. February 2012
Firstly, today in class we have distributed the roles, we tossed for it. How you can see, I am the journalist, I like this role. Secondly, the facilitator has organized the moment we are going to do the task of TPCK; we will do it on Wednesday and Thursday in the afternoon. Thirdly, the teacher show us an interesting link where we can chose between a variety of ways for structuring the work, and she has explained in what consist the different roles. Finally, we have been debating how to do the work and we are decided that Wednesday all of us have to come with the entire document read.
15th. February
After the classes, we have lunch at the university to do the work, at first, we have been talking about the content of the document, and how we are going to distribute it, we have been seeing schemes, choosing and eliminating them all the time until the analyst has drawn the perfect scheme in a paper, all the people are agree with her. Then we have to synthetize the content to explain the schema, the group works better when the job is distributed between the members, so we have distributed the concept to define them, and the part of the task. When the star has seen every content she has to expose, she has begun to be nervous, but we have managed to cheer her up a bit and also we have given her some advices.
16th. February
Today we put the whole concept in common and we have started to do the schema. The analyst has had a good idea, she wants to do the schema by computer and after print it in the card.
When we have finished we are very happy but evaluation is still left.

Today has been the big day, all the groups have to expose their work. All the stars of each group have been the person that have to expose, while we were evaluating the job of other groups, this has been a good experience to learn how expose, how evaluate our classmates and to internalize the concepts of the task.
Finally, we have put in common our experiences; we have debated what characteristics have to have a good star, and a good work. The objective has been obtained; all the people have understand the task and the concept.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

"Illustrating Words"

This is an activity inspired in the activity "Picturing Words" by Punya Mishra. We made it on 10th of February in class. It consists on illustrate fifteen concepts:

1. Future
2. Belligerent
3. Tactics
4. Fixantly
5. Learning
6. Indignantly
7. Admission
8. Teaching
9. Concret
10. Deep
11. Blatant
12. Wide
13. Dismissively
14. Stagnant
15. Succes

Every gruop must illustrate four or five of these concepts in twenty minuts. After that, the group must interchange the collection with other group and then the groups will choose a word from the list for every picture, image, etc...  Finally, the group will give back the list and images to the original group and we will analyze  in the big group what are the results of the "experiment". 

Our group ("Alpino Group") has analyzed the pictures from "The Painters" group. We have been right in four images. The four pictures represent these concepts: deep, concrete, blatant and wide. 

We have failed in one image: 

We thought that this picture were related to the concept "learning" because the picture shows a class and the students are "happy" because they are learning. But really the picture were related to the concept "admission". "The Painter" group explained us that the students were happy because a new collegue had been admitted.  

We have conclude some ideas from this activity.

1.  We have had some difficulties to illustrate our concepts due to the fact that many concepts were  abstract and difficult. For example, the terms "dismissively" and "stagnant". However, we have illustrated all the concepts in the period of time proposed. These are our pictures: 

2. We thought that is easier to know a concept with a picture because it is more expressive than a drawing. Furthermore, it is easier to recognize a photo or a picture because it shows perfectly the topic that you want to describe while with a drawing you can confuse yourself because the picture maybe is not clear due to  the painter or the different points of view (both the painter and the person who see the image). 

3. We have realized that messages in illustrations help to clarify the concept because sometimes we can't illustrate some pictures without a support (the text). An example of this is the picture related to "dismissively" because if this picture won't have text it only shows two persons apparently talking.   

4. Finally we thought that the other group have had some difficulties to find the word related to the picture number 5 (the images on the internet) because it shows two photos: One of them shows a protest and the other one shows a war situation so it is confused because it can be related to two words (belligerent and indignantly). It is the only picture that the other group has failed. 

* This has been the "summarize" of our first class. 
   See you tomorrow! :)


Hello!! We are a group of five students from the University of Murcia:

- Ana González Zapata
- Irene Gea González
- Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos
- Pablo Jaquero Yépez
- Marina Gómez Robles

We are studying "Primary Education" and this is our Blog. We are going to use it specially for the subject "School Organization and Educational Resources". We will publish the different experiences and practices that we will do in class. We hope you enjoy with us...

See you soon!!!  :)