viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

The Journalist

Hello! I'm Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos and I have been the journalist this week.

13rd. February 2012
Firstly, today in class we have distributed the roles, we tossed for it. How you can see, I am the journalist, I like this role. Secondly, the facilitator has organized the moment we are going to do the task of TPCK; we will do it on Wednesday and Thursday in the afternoon. Thirdly, the teacher show us an interesting link where we can chose between a variety of ways for structuring the work, and she has explained in what consist the different roles. Finally, we have been debating how to do the work and we are decided that Wednesday all of us have to come with the entire document read.
15th. February
After the classes, we have lunch at the university to do the work, at first, we have been talking about the content of the document, and how we are going to distribute it, we have been seeing schemes, choosing and eliminating them all the time until the analyst has drawn the perfect scheme in a paper, all the people are agree with her. Then we have to synthetize the content to explain the schema, the group works better when the job is distributed between the members, so we have distributed the concept to define them, and the part of the task. When the star has seen every content she has to expose, she has begun to be nervous, but we have managed to cheer her up a bit and also we have given her some advices.
16th. February
Today we put the whole concept in common and we have started to do the schema. The analyst has had a good idea, she wants to do the schema by computer and after print it in the card.
When we have finished we are very happy but evaluation is still left.

Today has been the big day, all the groups have to expose their work. All the stars of each group have been the person that have to expose, while we were evaluating the job of other groups, this has been a good experience to learn how expose, how evaluate our classmates and to internalize the concepts of the task.
Finally, we have put in common our experiences; we have debated what characteristics have to have a good star, and a good work. The objective has been obtained; all the people have understand the task and the concept.

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