domingo, 22 de abril de 2012


Hello everybody! I am Ana González and this week I have been the Journalist! Did you enjoy your holidays? Now, let’s work!

On Monday 16th the professor proposed us to play a game… We must prepare some questions about six topics related to the European document that explains the Organization of the Spanish Educational System. We will make some cards (one per question) and next Monday we will bring them to the class to do another activity! We were a bit afraid of that. It’s a lot of work! Shoulders to the wheel!

On Wednesday 18th we made an appointment at the University at ten o’clock. We stayed all the morning there (until half past two) putting our ideas in common, discussing, thinking on questions… We laughed a lot this morning. Isa played some jokes and we spent a lovely day! Finally we finished only five topics so, we decided to make another appointment on Friday 20th to finish the work.


On Friday 20th we arrived at the University at nine o’clock and we started work immediately. Before that we bought scissors and white cards. At eleven o’clock approximately we finished the work. We were so tired because this week has been very hard! We hope we have done our work well! And now, we must be prepared for next Monday… 


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