martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

The analyst

Hello everybody! I am Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos and I was the analyst last week.
Last week, we didn’t make any task in group because we had theoretical class, but we organized the roles for this week and for the next week.

 What was the best moment of the week?

I think the best moment of the week was when we learnt what is media and how it can be integrating in the curriculum.

What was the worse?

The worse moment was when Linda said that we must do a task called “Pechakucha”. The activity is brilliant but the first impression made felt ourself nervous and overwhelmed.

What have you learnt?

We have learnt what is media, its characteristics, it facilitates the developing of learning. Before we learnt what is a curriculum and the three ways of understanding it and its elements: people and institutions, design and media- technologies. After that, the teacher explained each elements. On Friday, we finished the unit and the teacher explained us a new task for the next Friday.

What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

As a group we need to conserve the positive relationship between us, although  we  sometimes think  that we can’t do some task in the time established but we always work  harder and faster in the last days than the previous days and we finish the task well, this work makes us realize that we can work better and better if we want and that our group is a good one.

What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

From my point of view, we need to improve some things, on the one hand, we must organize better the time, because every member has to do things in the afternoon but we have to understand each other; on the other hand, we have to meet more often.

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