Hello, guys! I am Ana González and I have been the Facilitator last week.
These were the different roles:
Ana González : The Facilitator
Pablo Jaquero : The Analyst
Marina Gómez : The Journalist
Isabel Abril : The Star
Irene Gea : Tracker
See you soon! ;)
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012
miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012
The analyst
Hi guys! I’m Pablo and I’m the analyst of the last week, so I have to do a
reflection about the work and the groups for the last week. Let’s do it.
What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity was during the game, I enjoyed so much doing
it because it’s a different way to make us to study, and I mean a funny way. We
were so excited about achieving the prize, and nervous about falling in a snake
which can take us to the beginning. I think it’s a good idea to recognize the
effort of whole members of all the groups.
What was the worse?
This week that is a very difficult question, because we enjoyed so much
during the whole process of the game. But as in all game, I think that the
worse moment in the week, concretely in the game, was when we lost.
It was a pity but we are good players and we are so happy for the people
who won, they did it very good and they deserve the prizes!
What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
I think that the best moment was the last day, because we were in a good
position and we had a lot of possibilities to win, but there wasn’t so much
time (it was a pity). But I think that the other days were good as well, so it’s
quite difficult to choose only one moment.
What was the worse?
As I told, there are a lot of good moments so it’s easier to choose a bad
moment because there is only one or two. The worst moment was on Wednesday,
because some of us (like me) couldn’t remember some questions, and when we know
them we hadn’t got good luck with the dices. Because of that we were last that
What have you learnt?
Well, I can’t say all I have learnt because I need 3 or 4 blogs to say it,
but I’ll try to do an abstract. We learned things about who gives the money to
the Spanish schools, some differences between private and public schools like
the election of the headmaster. We also learned that there is a region that
doesn´t have any kind of grant (Pais Vasco). So we learned a lot about the
topics that Linda gave to us.
What do you need to conserve –as a group- for
the next weeks?
In my opinion, we try to conserve the good
atmosphere of work that we have. I know that sometimes we have some
differences, but it’s normal we are very different people with different ways
to work. Nevertheless, I think we are a good group.
What do you need to improve –as a group- for the
next weeks?
From my point of view we have to improve the rhythm
of work. I think we are so slow for working and we have to be faster.
Hi everybody! How is it going? I'm Marina and I was the journalist
last week.
Well on Monday Linda explained ITC not School Orgnazation.So I
will only describe what we did on Wednesday and Friday.
Well on Wednesday were continued the game snakes and ladders. It
was so excited. We were really nervous, because although we guessed the answer
of the question, we need luck to advance in the board. I have to say that we
were scared about the snakes… haha.
That day we didn’t finish the game , so we decided to contienue on
On Friday we were playing for an hour, because in the second hour
of class, Linda had to explain the way of evaluation and what was the ePorfolio
that she need from us, and finally the first winner group was : Never to late,
and the second one, was: Hakuna matateros.
It was a pity for the other groups, but the good thing was that
Linda told us that she was going to try to make a list of the posible questions
that she would do to us in the oral exam.
That’s all for the last week. See you son J
viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012
The journalist!!
Hi everybody!! I’m Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos,
and last week I was the journalist.
On Monday 21st, we started to choose
the question for the game related to the Spanish educational system. The
teacher gave to each group one of the eight topics to evaluate the question made
by all groups, each group made three questions of every topic. The eight topics
have been as follow:
1. Laws and
2. Management (person and groups of management and government).
3. School time and grouping.
4. General indications about teaching methods.
5. Assessment and certification.
6. Differences between public and private centers.
7. Financing issues.
8. Other structures and variations.
2. Management (person and groups of management and government).
3. School time and grouping.
4. General indications about teaching methods.
5. Assessment and certification.
6. Differences between public and private centers.
7. Financing issues.
8. Other structures and variations.
Each group had to evaluate the questions and
put to them a mark, we had to take into account various aspect as the spelling,
the understanding of the question and the design. After this process we had to
choose the best eight card of the topic. The topic that my group had to
evaluate was “assessment and certification”.
Finally every group gave to Linda the card
selected to the game.
On Friday 25th, this was the big
day, we started to play. Linda projected onto board a game like “Oca game”, but
instead of ocas, it has snakes that make our counter move back and stairs to
move our counter forward.
For paying, everyone took it in turns to answer
the questions that Linda was asking us. If you told the right answer you would roll
two dice for advancing or moving back, if you didn’t know the answer you wouldn’t
roll the dice.
Everyone was excited and interesting to win the
game because there are two good prizes. The first group that reached the last
square it would obtain a joker card that can be used to pass an exam questions,
its value would be a nine and a half, and the second group that arrived at the end,
they obtain another joker card with a value of an eight.
At the end of this class, the game didn’t have
finished, the game only just begun. Therefore, the week after this we must
continue playing.
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012
Hi guys! How is it going? I'm so sorry because it's a bit late, but I couldn't publish this before because my group and me were really busy with so many work. My name is Marina and I was the star last week.
I didn't play my role well, because last week, due to the game that we were playing( snakes&ladders), I didn't do any exposition.So, next time, I'll explain better how was this role. see you soon :)
I didn't play my role well, because last week, due to the game that we were playing( snakes&ladders), I didn't do any exposition.So, next time, I'll explain better how was this role. see you soon :)
miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012
The facilitator
Hi guys! How are you? First of all I want to say sorry because of our delay, but last week we had a lot of things to do for School Organization and Resources and other courses. Nevertheless, we are now here and I'm going to tell you the roles of this week:
Facilitator-----> Pablo Jaquero Yépez (me)
Star-----> Marina Gómez Robles
Journalist-----> Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos
Analyst-------> Irene Gea González
Tracker-------> Ana González Zapata.
I hope you enjoyed last week with the our particular "Snake and Ladders". See you soon!
Facilitator-----> Pablo Jaquero Yépez (me)
Star-----> Marina Gómez Robles
Journalist-----> Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos
Analyst-------> Irene Gea González
Tracker-------> Ana González Zapata.
I hope you enjoyed last week with the our particular "Snake and Ladders". See you soon!
miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012
one day!
Hello everybody! how are you?
We are very nervous! this days we are preparing the questions for the " big day"
On friday we will tell you about all the details =)
To study hard and good luck for everybody!
We are very nervous! this days we are preparing the questions for the " big day"
On friday we will tell you about all the details =)
To study hard and good luck for everybody!
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
The Star
Hello everybody! I'm Pablo Jaquero, I'm here again to publish the question of our topic "assessment and certification".
When a
pupil gets his/her first official certification about his/her studies?
are the assessments criteria of primary education pupil collected?
When will
be diagnosis proofs in primary education performed?
In addition
to the basic training established by the central authorities for primary
education, which other powers have been established and who has established it?
You are
primary school teacher, you will progress a pupil to the next cycle because
Which are
the terms that express the assessment outcomes and which are the official
documents where they are included?
kind of assessment do maestros have to do?
When do
the general diagnostic assessments should be carried out in primary education?
How many
times can a child repeat a course in primary school stage?
When you
finish both secondary education and when you finish sixth from you receive a
certificate, does this happen in primary school? Justify your answer.
how much time is a teacher deliged to inform parents about their children
progress in school?
characterizes the assessment in Primary Education and what are the 5 different
marks you can obtain?
agencies or organizations are responsible for establishing the assessment
process? Quote them from general to specific order.
What are
the values that pupils must have acquired at the end of compulsory education?
A student
completes his primary education in 2012. What information must include his
personal report? When will he receive the official certification?
What are
the values that pupils must have acquired at the end of compulsory education?
Which of
these factors is not reflected in the assessment of pupil 2: objectives,
individual differences, basic skills, contents and assessment criteria?
Say when a
pupil can move up to the next stage in compulsory secondary education.
We are so motivated to do it, because we think that it's an interesting task and we are sure that we enjoy so much together, but we want to win the prizes! Let's do our best!
lunes, 23 de abril de 2012
The star
Hi guys! How was you holidays? too shorts I think... Well we have return to work because exams are too near and we have to work more and more.
I post now because we need to check some questions before publishing them, but don't worry this afternoon I'll publish them and tell you more things.
See you later!
I post now because we need to check some questions before publishing them, but don't worry this afternoon I'll publish them and tell you more things.
See you later!
domingo, 22 de abril de 2012
everybody! I am Ana González and this week I have been the Journalist! Did you
enjoy your holidays? Now, let’s work!
On Monday 16th the professor
proposed us to play a game… We must prepare some questions about six topics
related to the European document that explains the Organization of the Spanish
Educational System. We will make some cards (one per question) and next Monday
we will bring them to the class to do another activity! We were a bit afraid of
that. It’s a lot of work! Shoulders to the wheel!
On Wednesday 18th we made an
appointment at the University at ten o’clock. We stayed all the morning there
(until half past two) putting our ideas in common, discussing, thinking on
questions… We laughed a lot this morning. Isa played some jokes and we spent a
lovely day! Finally we finished only five topics so, we decided to make another
appointment on Friday 20th to finish the work.
On Friday 20th we arrived at the
University at nine o’clock and we started work immediately. Before that we
bought scissors and white cards. At eleven o’clock approximately we finished
the work. We were so tired because this week has been very hard! We hope we
have done our work well! And now, we must be prepared for next Monday…
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012
The analyst!!
Hi everybody! I’m Isabel Abril Pérez-Chuecos, and this week I have been the analyst.
I have to do a reflection about the work and the group in this week.
What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of the activity has been when we was reading, doing and choosing the questions of the game, because all the member was excited, interested in doing this task the best as possible. For these reasons, sometimes, we doubted in very simple things, really silly things, that made the task into laughter and jokes that made the time went faster. of chaos and we being a little lost. Due to this fact, we had to find more information in the full document, on the Internet and asked to the teacher.
What was the worse?
The worse part of the activity was when we had to find some of the basically eight topics of the play into the documents that the teacher gave us. It was a short time
What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the week has been to work together, helping us, and discussed which were the best questions and the most important points of the topics.
In brief, the collaboration between us, exactly the sensation to be a big group.
What was the worse?
The worse moment of the week has been feeling burdened and stressed, because we had to do many tasks in few time and also we had to do individual task too. These feelings with the commitments and personal things that some of the members of the group had to do, have made difficult to meet everyone to do the work and these factors have led to this week all group members do not participate in the tasks equally.
In this task only we were four people. (I have really wanted to Marina pass the driving test! ;))
What have you learnt?
We have learnt the main information on laws, structure, management, school time, teaching methods, private and centers, etc. of our educational system.
What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We need to conserve the good relationship between us and how we have working now, because it is the way. The good work of this week must go on. The interaction with the work of the other member of the group, the advices, and we must continue to give our opinions on all the things, whether about the task or about how we are doing and carrying the work.
What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?
We want to improve only two things about this week; that all of the members participate in the following tasks, and we must organize ourselves so that we can meet and work at the same time.
lunes, 16 de abril de 2012
hi!!! I am the facilitator
hello! we have returned to work after two weeks on holidays =)
This morning we have had class with Linda and we have a new task!
I am Irene Gea and I am the facilitator of this week, our roles are:
Ana González- Journalist
Isabel Abril- Analyst
Pablo Jaquero- Star
Marina Goméz- Tracker
see you soon!!
This morning we have had class with Linda and we have a new task!
I am Irene Gea and I am the facilitator of this week, our roles are:
Ana González- Journalist
Isabel Abril- Analyst
Pablo Jaquero- Star
Marina Goméz- Tracker
see you soon!!
miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012
The Journalist
Hi guys! I am Irene Gea and I was the journalist last week. I am going to talk about our personal diary during last week!
It was a strange week, on Monday we didn't have class because it was San José (the father's day) and on Friday Linda couldn't come to our class. Although we didn't have class, we had a task to do. We had to do a story or a folktale about the negative aspects of using text books as the only teaching resource.
On Friday 23th March, we met at the university at 9:oo and we started work. Ana, Marina, Pablo and me worked in the story and Isa chose some topics in the texts. We did in Spanish and when we finished we share the task of translating the story.
On Saturday 24th each one sent their part and Isa also sent a draw. Ana and me put everything together and ready to submit!
On monday 26th we had a tutorship with Linda and we put our story in the blog.
And that's all! I see you soon! =)
martes, 27 de marzo de 2012
The Analyst
Hey guys! I'm Marina Gómez
and this week I've been the analyst of the group. Well , to begin with I will
answer the following questions in order to my criterion.
What was the best part
of the activity?
Well, the best part of the
activity was when we were joining our ideas of our imagination, because, we
realized that every member of the group was really useful and important to
create a perfect story. We didn't know that until we observed that when a
member couldn't know how to continue the story, because of the lack of his/her
imagination... ( I'm joking.. :) ) another one could do it. I t was fantastic.
What was the worst?
Well, the worst part was
when we had to be agree to meet to do
the work because when one member could meet, other had to do other important
thing...but definitely we chose a great day when everybody could go to the
university to do the task.
What have you learnt?
We have
learnt several things, like a lot of
vocabulary ( when we were translating our story into English. We also learnt
the importance of the new technologies inside a class. We have learnt new
methodologies that we can use in the future as teachers. Finally we have learnt
how to create a good story.
What do you need to conserve –as a group- for
the next weeks?
To my mind,
I think that we need to conserve the good atmosphere of work, because if we
conserve that we can work well and comfortable.
What do you need to improve- as a group- for
the next weeks?
We have to
reflex more between us, before starting the task. We also have to work more to
have better results, and I think we are capable enough to get that. To sum up,
we have to devote more time and we have to be more concentrated while we are
doing a task.
everydody! I am Ana and I was the Facilitator last week. These were the
different roles:
- The Journalist
- The Analyst
- The Star
Isa -
On Friday 16th
only Isa attended to class because some members of the group were ill. So, she
contacted with us to explain the work for the week and we started to work. I,
as the facilitator, divided the work. Every member of the group should read the
texts in order to put the ideas in common on Friday 23th. In
fact, that day we stayed at the university to do the story. Isa volunteered to
do a drawing about it. Firstly, we decided to do it in Spanish and then
everyone was assigned to translate a part of it. Finally, we agreed to
send all parts translated by email and Irene and I had
to join them in one document. And… that was the planning for last week!
Let's go!
Hey, guys! We have had some problems with the group but... Let's go! Let's do it better! We can do a good work... a good cooperative work.
Go ahead! ... YES, WE CAN! :)
Go ahead! ... YES, WE CAN! :)
Hey! Here you have our story translated into Spanish!
una vez, no hace mucho tiempo, en un bosque conocido por sus habitantes como
“El Estanque”, un enorme lugar plagado de niños con ganas de aprender y
divertirse, de enormes patios de juego, clases llenas de color y un horrible
sonido que anunciaba la vuelta a casa. Asistían a él respetables señores,
algunos más amables, otros más testarudos… pero al fin y al cabo, todos ellos
resumidos en una simple palabra: maestros. El lugar del que hablamos se llama
día de primavera, con el sol saliendo sobre la colina de al lado y los pájaros
cantando mi canción favorita, esperaba a mis amigos en el río de siempre para
ir “al cole”. No tardaron mucho en llegar Ratoncín y Serpentino, con los que
comparto pupitre en clase.
- ¡Hola, chicos!- dije alegre.
- ¡Hola, Ardillen!, ¿Cómo llevas los
deberes que mandó ayer el Señor Zorro en clase? No entendemos nada, por más que
nos leemos el tema de “Los seres humanos”
todavía no podemos entender cómo se reproducen.
- Bueno, yo más o menos creo que si que lo
he entendido… ayer estuve navegando por la red y encontré algunos dibujos muy
buenos que lo explicaban a la perfección -
- ¿Navegando por la red? ¡Pero si el Señor
Zorro dice que eso es de locos!
tanto, a lo lejos se oían las risas de nuestros amigos: Mofeta (o más conocido
como “El Mofetilla”), Buhez y Patita, con la que me encantaba pasar las tardes
en el río.
- ¡Buenos días! – dijeron todavía entre
- ¿Qué os pasa que venís tan alegres? –
preguntó Serpentino.
- Nos estábamos riendo de lo que ha
twiteado el Señor Conejo hace unos minutos. Nos está preparando una actividad
chulísima para hoy – dijo Patita aún fatigada de la risa.
- El Señor Zorro dice que “eso de la red”
son sandeces, que los que la usan están locos – dijo Ratoncín con tono
- Bueno, ¡vámonos que vamos a llegar
tarde! – dijo “El Mofetilla”
durante un rato hasta llegar a la escuela, y allí estaban como todos los días
el Señor Zorro, un ser inteligente,
culto y serio. Su método de enseñanza es la clase magistral, le encanta
impartir clases en las que el libro de texto es el protagonista y su principal
ayuda. Es reacio a utilizar las nuevas tecnologías, ya que las tacha de “dispositivos
vacíos de contenido que no aportan nada”, y el Señor Conejo, también
inteligente y culto aunque, a diferencia del Señor Zorro, es muy hablador y
dinámico, siempre está preparando actividades nuevas y creativas que hacen que
los alumnos se sientan motivados y quieran aprender. Como siempre, se encontraban discutiendo en
la esquina del pasillo que unía sus clases.
- He
oído que quiere invertir el dinero en la compra de más ordenadores, y la
biblioteca está falta de libros - dijo
el Señor Zorro.

- Los libros de hoy en día, perdone que le
diga, no son como los de antes, están muy actualizados. Además, una máquina no
proporciona inteligencia. Míreme a mí, yo fui educado con libro y papel.
- Usted fue educado por su maestro/a, el
libro solamente era una ayuda, al igual que Internet hoy día. Señor, los que
verdaderamente educan son los docentes. Lo que debemos conseguir es que
nuestros alumnos construyan su propio aprendizaje, que investiguen, que no se
resignen a memorizar lo que esté escrito en el texto, sino a comprender esa
información y extrapolarla a otros campos. ¿No le parece impactante que en la
sociedad tecnológica en la que vivimos solamente haya un único recurso de
- ¿Pero usted piensa que yo tengo tanto
tiempo libre? ¿De verdad cree que yo puedo centrarme en aprender como funciona
ese “fantástico mundo” de la red, o en preparar actividades cada día? Lo que yo
prefiero es que los niños aprendan los contenidos, como siempre se ha hecho. Y
ahora, si me disculpa, debo dar mi clase. Buenos días.
la campana y fuimos a clase. Buhez, “El Mofetilla” y Patita fueron a clase con
el profesor Conejo, mientras que Ratoncín, Serpentino y yo fuimos con el Señor
Zorro. Quedamos en vernos en la hora del recreo para jugar a “las madrigueras”.
- ¡Hey, chicos! ¿Habéis visto la que han
tenido esta mañana los profes? Siempre están igual… ¿Cómo os ha ido hoy? - dijo
- Sí, los hemos visto – replicó Serpentino
– Hoy no hemos hecho gran cosa, lo de siempre, el profesor Zorro ha dado su
clase dictando y nosotros hemos copiado, aunque no sabíamos ni lo que estábamos
copiando. Y vosotros, ¿qué habéis hecho? , ¿cómo os ha ido?
- Pues hoy ha sido una clase genial. Hemos
hecho una línea de tiempo con la herramienta "Dipity" para explicar la evolución humana,
buscando fotos e información. ¿Sabíais que los antepasados de los humanos son
los monos? A lo mejor la profe RaiMona se convierte algún día en uno de ellos…
- dice “El Mofetilla” riéndose- Luego, lo hemos colgado en la red y lo hemos
compartido con alumnos de otros colegios, ¡nos han dicho que les había
- ¿En serio habéis hecho todo lo que nos
decís? ¿y por qué nosotros no hacemos nada de eso?
el timbre que anunciaba la vuelta a clase tras media hora de recreo y, como
siempre, Buhez, “El Mofetilla” y Patita fueron a clase con el profesor Conejo,
mientras que Ratoncín, Serpentino y yo fuimos con el Señor Zorro. Cuando
entramos a clase y nos sentamos en nuestros pupitres, antes de que el Señor
Zorro comenzase su explicación, Ratoncín levantó valientemente la pata y dijo:
- Profesor Zorro… ¿por qué tiene usted
tanto miedo al cambio?
El cambio cuesta, requiere esfuerzo y dedicación. Debemos reaccionar y apostar por nuevos métodos, no dejarnos
llevar por el camino fácil… no tener miedo a lo nuevo, lo diferente.
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2012
The star
Hi guys, how are you? Do you enjoy doing the weekly work? I'm Pablo and I was the star last week. Here I put our story:
Once upon a time, there was a time not long ago in a forest known by locals as "The Pond", a huge place full of children who want to learn and have fun, there were huge playgrounds, colorful lessons and a horrible sound announced the return home. There were attended respectable gentlemen, some softer, others stubborn ... but after all, all summarized in one simple word: teachers. The place we are talking about is called school.
One spring day, with the sun rising over the next hill and the birds singing my favourite song, I am Ardillen, the squirrel. I was waiting for my friends at the river as usual to go to school. Ratoncín, the mouse, and Serpentine, the snake, didn’t take long to arrive, with whom I share desk in class.
- ‘Hey, guys’, I said.
- ‘Hello, Ardillen! How do you do the homework that Mr. Fox sent in class yesterday? We do not understand anything, even if we read the topic of "Humans" we still can’t understand how they reproduce.’
- ‘Well, I think if I've understood more or less ... yesterday I was surfing the net and found some very good pictures explaining it to perfection’, I replied.
- ‘Surfing the net? But Mr. Fox says that's crazy!
Meanwhile, in the distance we could hear the laughter of our friends: Skunk (or better known as "The Mofetilla"), Patita, the duck, and Buhez, the owl, with which I loved spending the afternoon in the river.
- ‘Good morning!’ said still laughing.
- ‘What's the matter you come so gay?’, asked Serpentine.
- ‘We were laughing at what the Mr. Rabbit has tweeted few minutes ago. We are preparing a very cool activity for today’, Patita said laughing.
- ‘Mr Fox says that “the network” is nonsense, that those who use it are crazy’, Ratoncín said sarcastically.
- ‘Well, let’s go, we’re going to be late!’, said “ The Mofetilla”
We walked for a while to get to school, and there were like every day the Lord Fox, an intelligent, cultured, and serious being. His method of Teaching is the lecture. He loves teaching using the textbook, that is the main protagonist, and his help inside the class. He is reluctant to use the new technologies, he dismiss them as “ meaningless devices that do not add anything”, and Mr. Rabbit, who is also intelligent and educated but, unlike Mr. Fox, he is very talkative and dynamic, he is always preparing new and creative activities that make students feel motivated. As always, they were arguing at the corner of the hall that connects their classes.
- ‘I’ve heard that you want to invest money in buying more computers, and the library is lack of books’, said Mr.Fox.
- ‘You have heard right, Lord. What's wrong with that? Students with computers have access to a lot of e-books, online tutorials, video lectures
... apart from many other resources.’
- ‘Nowadays’ books, I'm sorry to tell you, aren’t like before, now they are very current. Furthermore, a machine does not provide intelligence. Look at me, I was brought up with books and paper.’
- ‘You were brought up by his / her teacher, the book was only an aid, like the Internet today.
Professor, the educators are actually the teachers. We have to get that our students can build their own learning, can research, they don’t have to resigned to memorize what is written in the text, they must understand that information and extrapolate it to other fields. Don’t you think that is shocking that in the technological society we live in has only a single source of information?’, said Mr. Rabbit.
- ‘But do you really think I have so much free time? Do you really think that I can focus on learning how the world of the Internet works, or preparing daily activities? I prefer children to learn the contents as it has always been done. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do. Good morning’.
The bell rang and we went to class. Buhez, "The Mofetilla" and Patita went to class with Professor Rabbit, while Ratoncín, Serpentine and I went with Mr. Fox. We agreed to meet during the break to play "burrows."
- ‘Hey, guys! Did you hear about the teachers’ argument this morning? They are always the same ... How has the morning gone?’ - Buhez said.
- ‘Yes, we heard about it’, said Serpentine. ‘Today we have not done much, as usual, Teacher Fox has dictated his class and we have copied, but we did not know what we were copying, we did not understand anything. And you, what have you done? What was it like?’
- ‘Well, today it was a great class. We made a timeline with Dipity tool to explain human evolution, looking for pictures and information. Did you know that the ancestors of humans are the monkeys? Maybe, one day teacher RaiMona, the monkey, will become one of them... ‘Says "The Mofetilla" laughing. ‘Then, we put it on the web and shared with students from other schools. They told us that they loved it!’
- ‘You really did everything you say? And why we do not do anything like that in our classes?’
The bell rang announcing the return to classes after half an hour of break and as always, Buhez, "The Mofetilla" and Patita went to class with Professor Rabbit, while Ratoncín, Serpentine and me went with Mr. Fox. When we returned into class and sat at our desks, before Mr. Fox’s explanation, Ratoncín legged up boldly and said:
- ‘Professor Fox… Why are you so afraid of change?’
Moral: The way requires effort and dedication. We must react and we must looking for new methods, we don’t have to let laziness get the better of you. We shouldn’t be fear of the new and neither to the different things.
After doing this work we can do a reflection, in our opinion and after reading the documents we
noticed that in some countries there are some people who say that they are good
teachers and it isn’t true at all. Those people thinks that being a good teacher
means giving all the information which appear in textbooks to the students, but
our opinion as a group and agree with most of the authors a good teacher is
another thing. A good teacher is someone who achieves to teach in another way,
without a special attention to the units of the books, someone who gives
freedom to his students for building his own knowledge. That is the consequence of the bad use of the textbooks; textbooks are plenty of contents but sometimes this contents aren't useful and teachers don't stop and think about it, and the reason of this is that it's easier doing a class with the book as a reference than doing a class including ICT, and also it carry more work.
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